Intestinal ultrasound (IUS) is a non-invasive from of abdominal ultrasound utilised mainly as a specialised diagnostic imaging tool for inflammatory bowel diseases such as  Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. It also has some utility in the management of functional bowel complaints and general gastroenterological conditions such as diverticular disease.

In the management of inflammatory bowel diseases it is used as  point of care assessment for diagnosis, relapse and in the follow up of treatment.

Why gastrointestinal ultrasound?

Treatment targets for IBD are increasingly directed towards healing of the bowel. Intestinal ultrasound is the ideal tool to assess this and complement other investigations such as pathology, stool testing and endoscopy.

IUS as a technique is able to assess technical parameters of bowel wall thickness, wall stratification, colour doppler signal, mesenteric hyperechogenicity, lymph nodes and bowel wall peristalsis. Additionally, complications for IBD can be evaluated including strictures, fistulae and abscesses.

IUS is performed by a gastroenterologist with an expertise in IBD specifically accredited internationally in IUS by the accreditation body IBUS. It is a preferred method for patients as it is performed at the time of routine consultation, is non-invasive with no radiation exposure, does not require any preparation and the results are available immediately and can be discussed with the gastroenterologist at the time.